Internet Surfer 2.0
Internet Surfer 2.0 (Wayzata Technology) (1996).iso
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.403
2] Because the categories in rec.music.info are ideally supposed to
transcend the separation of the individual newsgroups. I have no desire to
mirror the subdivision of the rec.music hierarchy in rec.music.info.
--- What type of material is considered inappropriate?
There are three broad categories of articles which will be rejected by the
1] Requests for information: rec.music.info is strictly a one-way street.
You people send me information; I then post it to r.m.info. Requests for
specific information belong in the normal newsgroups. If your request gets
answered, you might consider passing the answer on to r.m.info, though.
2] Reviews: there already is a dedicated, moderated newsgroup for musical
reviews: rec.music.reviews. All reviews should go there.
3] Commercial stuff: this is a vague category. "Me and my buddies have just
released our first CD" would probably still be accepted, but "We are looking
for a guitarist" would be rejected. Rec.music.marketplace is the best place
for "things/persons wanted" and "things/persons offered" articles.
--- Will the material appearing in rec.music.info be archived somewhere?
Yes. David Datta has generously donated space on his music FTP archive site
for a rec.music.info archive.
You can reach the archive by ftp'ing to cs.uwp.edu (, and
going to the directory /pub/music/info.
Effectively this means that anything you post to rec.music.info will be
permanently stored, so your work will not be lost.
--- Will rec.music.info be just another rock/pop oriented group?
I have only one answer to this: "not if I can help it". Unfortunately, that
*is* more or less happening to e.g. rec.music.reviews -- very few classical
or country or new age reviews appear there.
Regular readers from all the music groups on Usenet are hereby invited
to [a] give me ideas and feedback on how to make r.m.info interesting and
valuable to them as well (e.g. new keywords I did not think of); to [b]
scan their newsgroups for appropriate material and point the authors to
the direction of rec.music.info, and to [c] submit interesting articles
Leo Breebaart -- Moderator rec.music.info
Submissions & other mail to: rec-music-info @ cp.tn.tudelft.nl
!!! Requests for information do *not* belong in r.m.info! !!!
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu news.admin:25962 news.announce.newusers:926 news.answers:3571
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!tamsun.tamu.edu!bcm!cs.utexas.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!darwin.sura.net!gatech!purdue!spaf
From: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford)
Newsgroups: news.admin,news.announce.newusers,news.answers
Subject: How to Get Information about Networks
Message-ID: <spaf-networks_719471722@cs.purdue.edu>
Date: 19 Oct 92 05:15:23 GMT
Expires: 18 Dec 92 17:15:22 GMT
Reply-To: randall@uvaarpa.virginia.edu
Followup-To: news.admin
Organization: Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue Univ.
Lines: 106
Approved: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU
Supersedes: <spaf-networks_716962666@cs.purdue.edu>
Archive-name: network-info/part1
Original-author: Randall Atkinson <randall@uvaarpa.virginia.edu>
Last-change: 5 May 1992 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
This is a periodic posting on how to get information about the
Internet and how to get information about connecting to the (US)
National Science Foundation's NSFNET through an NSF-affiliated
regional network, or to get commercial Internet service through a
commercial service provider.
I. The NSFNET Network Service Center (NNSC) makes current documentation
on the NSFNET available via a mail server and by anonymous ftp.
Because the contents of the documents are constantly being updated,
this posting only describes how to obtain a current copy rather than
providing the data directly.
Using the mail server: Send mail to the address shown below
(nnsc.nsf.net) and leave the "Subject;" line blank.
The first line of the message body should contain a "Request:"
line, followed by a "Topic:" line, as described below. You do not
need a "Subject:" line, but be sure your mailer puts out a valid
"From:" line that the server can respond to!
To obtain current contact information on the NSFNET and its affiliated
regional networks, send the following mail message to the mail-server:
Request: NSFNET
Topic: NNSC
To obtain information on how to connect to the Internet through the
NSFNET or an NSF-affiliated network, send the following mail message
to the mail-server "info-server@nnsc.nsf.net":
Request: NSFNET
To obtain information on the documents currently available on the
NSFNET from the info-server, send the following mail message to the
mail server "info-server@nnsc.nsf.net":
Request: NSFNET
If you need to contact the people at the NNSC directly, you can either
send mail or call them. It would be a good idea to read the NSFNET
documents first though.
Electronic Mail: <nnsc@nnsc.nsf.net>
Telephone: +1 (617) 873-3400.
II. General Internet information documents are available from the
DDN Network Information Center (which is part of the Internet).
There are several "For Your Information (FYI)" documents
published as part of the Internet "Request For Comments (RFC)"
series of documents. These can be helpful in getting a better
understanding of the Internet and its services and organization.
Experienced, novice, and would-be Internet users can all benefit
from reading these documents.
Included among these are:
RFC-1208 Glossary of Networking Terms
RFC-1207 FYI: Answers to commonly asked "experienced Internet user" questions
RFC-1206 FYI: Answers to commonly asked "new Internet user" questions
RFC-1178 Choosing a Name for your Computer
RFC-1150 FYI on FYI: Introduction to the FYI notes
These RFCs can be obtained by anonymous ftp from nic.ddn.mil or via
email server from nisc.sri.com. To use the RFC email server, send
an email message to mail-server@nisc.sri.com with the subject line
blank and the message body indicating the RFC desired. The NIC
service will email the requested RFC back to you.
For example, to get a copy of RFC-1208 send an email message to
mail-server@nisc.sri.com with no subject line, and a message body
send rfc/RFC1208.txt
III. The Internet is composed of many networks, not just those
sponsored or affiliated with the US Government. There are also
commercial Internet service providers. Commercial firms that might
not meet requirements for connecting to a US Government-related
network can still connect to the TCP/IP Internet via commercial
service providers not affiliated with the NSFNET or the DDN
UUNET Communications Services (UUNET)
Performance Systems, Inc. (PSI)
You should contact them directly to obtain more information about
their services. Nothing in this posting is intended or should be construed as
an endorsement of any commercial service or commercial firm.
Gene Spafford
Software Engineering Research Center & Dept. of Computer Sciences
Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-1398
Internet: spaf@cs.purdue.edu phone: (317) 494-7825
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu news.lists:2145 news.groups:57881 news.misc:9011 news.announce.newgroups:2634 news.answers:3577
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!think.com!sdd.hp.com!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!darwin.sura.net!gatech!purdue!spaf
From: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford)
Newsgroups: news.lists,news.groups,news.misc,news.announce.newgroups,news.answers
Subject: Changes to List of Active Newsgroups, Part I
Message-ID: <spaf-c_active_719471787@cs.purdue.edu>
Date: 19 Oct 92 05:16:29 GMT
Expires: 18 Dec 92 17:16:27 GMT
Followup-To: news.misc
Organization: Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue Univ.
Lines: 91
Approved: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU
Supersedes: <spaf-c_active_716962684@cs.purdue.edu>
Archive-name: active-newsgroups/diff1
Last-change: 18 Oct 1992 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
*** old/active.n Sat Sep 19 23:18:05 1992
--- ./src/active.n Sun Oct 18 23:02:26 1992
*** 6,8 ****
Archive-name: active-newsgroups/part1
! Last-change: 19 Sep 1992 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
--- 6,8 ----
Archive-name: active-newsgroups/part1
! Last-change: 18 Oct 1992 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
*** 133,135 ****
comp.sys.prime info-prime@list.kean.edu
- comp.sys.sun.announce sun-announce@sunworld.com
comp.sys.tahoe info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
--- 133,134 ----
*** 198,199 ****
--- 197,199 ----
comp.cad.cadence Users of Cadence Design Systems products.
+ comp.client-server Topics relating to client/server technology.
comp.cog-eng Cognitive engineering.
*** 228,229 ****
--- 228,231 ----
comp.graphics.explorer The Explorer Modular Visualisation Environment (MVE).
+ comp.graphics.gnuplot The GNUPLOT interactive function plotter.
+ comp.graphics.opengl The OpenGL 3D application programming interface.
comp.graphics.research Highly technical computer graphics discussion. (Moderated)
*** 368,369 ****
--- 370,372 ----
comp.sources.x Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
+ comp.speech Research & applications in speech science & technology.
comp.specification Languages and methodologies for formal specification.
*** 400,401 ****
--- 403,405 ----
comp.sys.apple2 Discussion about Apple II micros.
+ comp.sys.apple2.gno The AppleIIgs GNO multitasking environment.
comp.sys.atari.8bit Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
*** 460,461 ****
--- 464,466 ----
comp.sys.sgi Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
+ comp.sys.stratus Stratus products, incl. System/88, CPS-32, VOS and FTX.
comp.sys.sun.admin Sun system administration issues and questions.
*** 486,487 ****
--- 491,493 ----
comp.unix.bsd Discussion of Berkeley Software Distribution UNIX.
+ comp.unix.dos-under-unix MS-DOS running under UNIX by whatever means.
comp.unix.internals Discussions on hacking UNIX internals.
*** 490,491 ****
--- 496,501 ----
comp.unix.msdos MS-DOS running under UNIX by whatever means.
+ comp.unix.osf.misc Various aspects of Open Software Foundation products.
+ comp.unix.osf.osf1 The Open Software Foundation's OSF/1.
+ comp.unix.pc-clone.16bit UNIX on 286 architectures.
+ comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit UNIX on 386 and 486 architectures.
comp.unix.programmer Q&A for people programming under Unix.
*** 493,494 ****
--- 503,508 ----
comp.unix.shell Using and programming the Unix shell.
+ comp.unix.sys3 System III UNIX discussions.
+ comp.unix.sys5.misc Versions of System V which predate Release 3.
+ comp.unix.sys5.r3 Discussing System V Release 3.
+ comp.unix.sys5.r4 Discussing System V Release 4.
comp.unix.sysv286 UNIX System V (not XENIX) on the '286.
*** 520,521 ****
--- 534,540 ----
misc.forsale.computers Computers and computer equipment for sale.
+ misc.forsale.computers.d Discussion of misc.forsale.computers.*.
+ misc.forsale.computers.mac Apple Macintosh related computer items.
+ misc.forsale.computers.other Selling miscellaneous computer stuff.
+ misc.forsale.computers.pc-clone IBM PC related computer items.
+ misc.forsale.computers.workstation Workstation related computer items.
misc.handicap Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
Gene Spafford
Software Engineering Research Center & Dept. of Computer Sciences
Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-1398
Internet: spaf@cs.purdue.edu phone: (317) 494-7825
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu news.lists:2146 news.groups:57882 news.misc:9012 news.announce.newgroups:2635 news.answers:3578
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!think.com!sdd.hp.com!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!darwin.sura.net!gatech!purdue!spaf
From: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford)
Newsgroups: news.lists,news.groups,news.misc,news.announce.newgroups,news.answers
Subject: Changes to List of Active Newsgroups, Part II
Message-ID: <spaf-c_active2_719471797@cs.purdue.edu>
Date: 19 Oct 92 05:16:39 GMT
Expires: 18 Dec 92 17:16:37 GMT
References: <spaf-c_active_719471787@cs.purdue.edu>
Followup-To: news.misc
Organization: Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue Univ.
Lines: 58
Approved: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU
Supersedes: <spaf-c_active2_716962686@cs.purdue.edu>
Archive-name: active-newsgroups/diff2
*** old/active2.n Sat Sep 19 23:18:09 1992
--- ./src/active2.n Sun Oct 18 23:39:12 1992
*** 18,20 ****
rec.arts.cinema Discussion of the art of cinema. (Moderated)
- rec.arts.comics Comic books, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.comics.info Reviews, convention information and other comics news. (Moderated)
--- 18,19 ----
*** 64,66 ****
rec.autos.vw Issues pertaining to Volkswagen products.
! rec.aviation Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.backcountry Activities in the Great Outdoors.
--- 63,77 ----
rec.autos.vw Issues pertaining to Volkswagen products.
! rec.aviation.announce Events of interest to the aviation community. (Moderated)
! rec.aviation.answers Frequently asked questions about aviation. (Moderated)
! rec.aviation.homebuilt Selecting, designing, building, and restoring aircraft.
! rec.aviation.ifr Flying under Instrument Flight Rules.
! rec.aviation.military Military aircraft of the past, present and future.
! rec.aviation.misc Miscellaneous topics in aviation.
! rec.aviation.owning Information on owning airplanes.
! rec.aviation.piloting General discussion for aviators.
! rec.aviation.products Reviews and discussion of products useful to pilots.
! rec.aviation.simulators Flight simulation on all levels.
! rec.aviation.soaring All aspects of sailplanes and hang-gliders.
! rec.aviation.stories Anecdotes of flight experiences. (Moderated)
! rec.aviation.student Learning to fly.
rec.backcountry Activities in the Great Outdoors.
*** 108,109 ****
--- 119,121 ----
rec.games.hack Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
+ rec.games.int-fiction All aspects of interactive fiction games.
rec.games.misc Games and computer games.
*** 143,144 ****
--- 155,157 ----
rec.models.rockets Model rockets for hobbyists.
+ rec.models.scale Construction of models.
rec.motorcycles Motorcycles and related products and laws.
*** 267,269 ****
sci.geo.meteorology Discussion of meteorology and related topics.
! sci.fractals Objects of non-intergral dimension and other chaos.
sci.image.processing Scientific image processing and analysis.
--- 280,282 ----
sci.geo.meteorology Discussion of meteorology and related topics.
! sci.fractals Objects of non-integral dimension and other chaos.
sci.image.processing Scientific image processing and analysis.
Gene Spafford
Software Engineering Research Center & Dept. of Computer Sciences
Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-1398
Internet: spaf@cs.purdue.edu phone: (317) 494-7825
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu news.lists:2139 news.groups:57874 news.announce.newusers:921 news.announce.newgroups:2629 news.answers:3565
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!darwin.sura.net!gatech!purdue!spaf
From: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford)
Newsgroups: news.lists,news.groups,news.announce.newusers,news.announce.newgroups,news.answers
Subject: List of Active Newsgroups, Part I
Summary: First of two postings. This contains the intro, and the
groups in comp, misc, and news
Message-ID: <spaf-active_719471688@cs.purdue.edu>
Date: 19 Oct 92 05:14:52 GMT
Expires: 18 Dec 92 17:14:48 GMT
Followup-To: news.groups
Organization: Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue Univ.
Lines: 583
Approved: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU
Supersedes: <spaf-active_716962655@cs.purdue.edu>
Archive-name: active-newsgroups/part1
Last-change: 18 Oct 1992 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
19 Oct 1992. This list does not include the gatewayed Internet
newsgroups (see below). The groups distributed worldwide are divided
into seven broad classifications: "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec". Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.
"comp" Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
source, and information on hardware and software systems.
"sci" Discussions marked by special and usually practical knowledge,
relating to research in or application of the established
"misc" Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple
"soc" Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.
"talk" Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
of generally useful information.
"news" Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.
"rec" Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.
These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution. Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however. Some sites take only
a selected subset of the more "technical" groups, and controversial
"noise" groups are often not carried by many sites (these groups are
often under the "talk" and "soc" classifications). Many sites do not
carry some or all of the comp.binaries groups.
There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here. Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles. Currently, distributions include:
world worldwide distribution (default)
att limited to AT&T
can limited (mostly) to Canada
eunet limited (mostly) to European sites in EUNet
na limited (mostly) to North America
usa limited (mostly) to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site. Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide. A companion article to this lists all of the
regional distributions and their newsgroups.
Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists. They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting). Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of B2.11 and C news -- posting to one of these
groups automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the
moderated groups are gatewayed to USENET from the Internet and appear
as newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Some of these gatewayed Internet newsgroups are listed below, and the
rest appear in a companion posting that lists alternative newsgroup
hierarchies. Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally
gatewayed with Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the
Internet side to the digest are split up and submitted to the USENET
group, while articles submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and
submitted to the mailing list. A complete list of moderated
newsgroups, submission addresses and moderators is given in a
companion posting.
The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Internet lists. Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below. Please contact me if you should know
of their current status. Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.
If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Internet lists by writing to the request address. You
form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol, as
in "unix-emacs-request@vm.tcs.tulane.edu". This gets your message
directly to the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the
readers of the list.
Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway. For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.mil
Usenet Group Internet list
------------ -------------
comp.databases.ingres info-ingres@math.ams.com
comp.dcom.modems info-modems@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
comp.dcom.telecom telecom@eecs.nwu.edu
comp.emacs unix-emacs@bbn.com
*comp.lang.ada info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
comp.lang.c info-c@brl.mil
>comp.lang.c++ info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
>comp.lang.c++ help-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
comp.lang.modula2 info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
*comp.lang.pascal info-pascal@brl.mil
*comp.lang.prolog prolog@score.stanford.edu
comp.mail.mh mh-users@ics.uci.edu
comp.os.cpm info-cpm@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
comp.os.minix info-minix@udel.edu
comp.os.vms info-vax@sri.com
comp.protocols.kerberos kerberos@athena.mit.edu
comp.protocols.tcp-ip tcp-ip@nic.ddn.mil
comp.society.privacy comp-privacy@pica.army.mil
comp.sources.misc unix-sources@brl.mil
comp.sources.unix unix-sources@brl.mil
comp.specification.z zforum@comlab.ox.ac.uk
comp.sys.apollo apollo@umix.cc.umich.edu
comp.sys.apple2 info-apple@apple.com
comp.sys.atari.8bit info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
comp.sys.atari.st info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
comp.sys.misc info-micro@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
comp.sys.prime info-prime@list.kean.edu
comp.sys.tahoe info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
comp.sys.xerox info-1100@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
*comp.terminals info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
>comp.text.tex texhax@cs.washington.edu
>comp.text.tex info-tex@shsu.edu
comp.unix.questions info-unix@brl.mil
comp.unix.internals unix-wizards@brl.mil
comp.windows.interviews interviews@interviews.stanford.edu
comp.windows.x xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
*rec.arts.sf.misc sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
rec.food.recipes recipes@mthvax.cs.miami.edu
rec.radio.amateur.misc info-hams@ucsd.edu
rec.radio.amateur.packet packet-radio@ucsd.edu
rec.radio.amateur.policy ham-policy@ucsd.edu
rec.radio.shortwave swl-l@cuvma.columbia.edu
rec.music.funky funky-music@hyper.lap.upenn.edu
rec.music.gdead dead-flames@virginia.edu
rec.music.phish phish@virginia.edu
rec.music.synth synth-l@auvm.auvm.edu
rec.sport.disc ultimate-list@doe.carleton.ca
rec.video videotech@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
*sci.astro sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
sci.physics physics@unix.sri.com
sci.physics.fusion fusion@zorch.sf-bay.org
sci.space space@andrew.cmu.edu
soc.roots roots-l@vm1.nodak.edu
Please notify me of any errors or changes to the information in this article.
Gene Spafford
Newsgroup Description
comp.admin.policy Discussions of site administration policies.
comp.ai Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.neural-nets All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.ai.philosophy Philosophical aspects of Artificial Intelligence.
comp.ai.shells Artificial intelligence applied to shells.
comp.apps.spreadsheets Spreadsheets on various platforms.
comp.arch Computer architecture.
comp.arch.storage Storage system issues, both hardware and software.
comp.archives Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated)
comp.archives.admin Issues relating to computer archive administration.
comp.bbs.misc All aspects of computer bulletin board systems.
comp.bbs.waffle The Waffle BBS and USENET system on all platforms.
comp.benchmarks Discussion of benchmarking techniques and results.
comp.binaries.acorn Binary-only postings for Acorn machines. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.amiga Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2 Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.archives Announcements related to IBM PC archive sites.
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.wanted Requests for IBM PC and compatible programs.
comp.binaries.mac Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.os2 Binaries for use under the OS/2 ABI. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5 Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cad.cadence Users of Cadence Design Systems products.
comp.client-server Topics relating to client/server technology.
comp.cog-eng Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.compression Data compression algorithms and theory.
comp.compression.research Discussions about data compression research.
comp.databases Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.databases.informix Informix database management software discussions.
comp.databases.ingres Issues relating to INGRES products.
comp.databases.oracle The SQL database products of the Oracle Corporation.
comp.databases.sybase Implementations of the SQL Server.
comp.databases.theory Discussing advances in database technology.
comp.dcom.cell-relay Forum for discussion of Cell Relay-based products.
comp.dcom.fax Fax hardware, software, and protocols.
comp.dcom.isdn The Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN).
comp.dcom.lans.ethernet Discussions of the Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 protocols.
comp.dcom.lans.fddi Discussions of the FDDI protocol suite.
comp.dcom.lans.misc Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.servers Selecting and operating data communications servers.
comp.dcom.sys.cisco Info on Cisco routers and bridges.
comp.dcom.telecom Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.dsp Digital Signal Processing using computers.
comp.edu Computer science education.
comp.emacs EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.animation Technical aspects of computer animation.
comp.graphics.avs The Application Visualization System.
comp.graphics.explorer The Explorer Modular Visualisation Environment (MVE).
comp.graphics.gnuplot The GNUPLOT interactive function plotter.
comp.graphics.opengl The OpenGL 3D application programming interface.
comp.graphics.research Highly technical computer graphics discussion. (Moderated)
comp.graphics.visualization Info on scientific visualization.
comp.groupware Software and hardware for shared interactive environments.
comp.human-factors Issues related to human-computer interaction (HCI).
comp.infosystems Any discussion about information systems.
comp.infosystems.gis All aspects of Geographic Information Systems.
comp.infosystems.gopher Discussion of the gopher information service.
comp.infosystems.wais The Z39.50-based WAIS full-text search system.
comp.internet.library Discussing electronic libraries. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++ The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.clos Common Lisp Object System discussions.
comp.lang.eiffel The object-oriented Eiffel language.
comp.lang.forth Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.functional Discussion about functional languages.
comp.lang.hermes The Hermes language for distributed applications.
comp.lang.idl-pvwave IDL and PV-Wave language discussions.
comp.lang.lisp Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.lisp.mcl Discussing Apple's Macintosh Common Lisp.
comp.lang.logo The Logo teaching and learning language.
comp.lang.misc Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2 Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.modula3 Discussion about the Modula-3 language.
comp.lang.objective-c The Objective-C language and environment.